We help agencies and corporate Insight Teams conduct market research. Our robust and highly configurable platform that delivers survey, reporting, dashboarding, and panel capabilities can be adapted to suit almost any project, no matter how complex and large.


Unmatched insights

Tivian’s all-in-one platform helps you gain an understanding of employee, customer, product, and brand experiences. With this knowledge, you can increase sales, acquire new customers, understand which products and services to build or improve, and reduce customer churn.

Why Tivian?

Highly flexible

A complete solution for all areas of market research, from panels to “pop-up” communities.

Smarter surveys

Use advanced features like personalization, gamification, and quotas to increase the value and relevance of every insight captured.

Deliver projects faster

Launch new research projects in just a few hours and build custom automations to reduce manual work and get insights quicker.

Engage respondents

Improve response rates by segmenting, managing, and incentivizing your respondents from within the platform.

Powerful reporting and dashboarding

Build interactive and customizable dashboards and reports that deliver insights faster.

Research communities

Create a digital home for your research with mobile-first communities that strengthen relationships and add discussions, forums, and quick polls to give you access to research fast.

Panel module

Market-leading panel module allows you to recruit, manage, and engage your panel research members using powerful panel administration features.

Quick and slick market research

Fast insights

Increase responsiveness: deliver insight in hours, not days.

Save money

Lower operational costs: increase efficiency and preserve margins through automation.


Reduce complexity: simple polls to sophisticated research techniques all through one platform.

Discover your targets using Tivian’s robust and agile research platform

  • Online surveys: from simple one-question polls to the most complex multi-lingual research projects
  • Panel management module: a complete solution to recruit, manage, engage and listen to your panelists
  • Communities: create closer relationships and deeper qualitative understanding with mobile-first communities
  • Analytics: Interactive and customizable dashboards and reports that deliver insights in hours
  • Bulk reporting: Automate the creation and delivery of thousands of customized Powerpoint or PDF reports

Tivian's complete suite of solutions helps organizations capture and act on insights from their employees, customers, and the market

MX Analytics

Increase your market intelligence by collecting and analyzing your customer data to make informed decisions for your business.

Employee Experience

Transform your company with our flexible solution, scalable to any listening program, from large-scale census surveys to continuous listening.

Customer Experience

Build trust with your customer base with our responsive platform designed to elevate every step of the buyer’s experience.

What is Market Research Software?

Market research is an integral part of meeting customer expectations and providing the best experience possible. And because the process is so important, it makes sense to use market research software that streamlines various tasks and provides powerful features for discovering relevant insights about your ideal customers and the market.

Using the leading researching software solutions like Tivian can help you stay ahead of market trends, understand your competition, and know exactly how to provide the best possible solutions to your customers.

In today’s competitive markets, the only way to successfully launch a product is to have an in-depth understanding of the environment in which your product will have to compete. Otherwise, making any type of predictions or decisions about the product would be almost impossible.

With a market research platform, you can break down the complex market research process into actionable steps, allowing you to accurately evaluate how well it is likely to perform, how it stacks up against the competition, what are the most pressing needs the target audience is facing, and how you can make your product stand out to have the best chance of success.

Many successful brands operating today utilize market research platforms to make better decisions before and after entering a market. It can empower your company to continually monitor changes in the market, providing you insights about the best course of action in any situation.

Armed with the right market research software, you can successfully tackle even the most ambitious goals. When you know the ideal time to launch a product and how to position it, you can compete with more established brands and carve out a place in a competitive marketplace because you know how to appeal to the key buyer groups.

The Importance of Market Research Software

Most businesses understand the importance of performing thorough research. But many still aren’t aware of just how big of a difference marketing research software can have on the execution of the entire process.

Since market research is such a complex process, you need to be able to streamline it as much as possible if you want to achieve results without wasting time. And software for marketing research like Tivian is the perfect tool for breaking down this complicated task and maximizing the impact of the numerous aspects that go into understanding the market you are about to enter.

When you’re collecting data about your competition, learning more about your audience through surveys and interviews, evaluating other products, and performing other important market research activities, you want a powerful tool that will centralize the process and make it more manageable for all involved.

Let’s look at a few powerful reasons why market data software can have a significant impact on your business.

Evaluate Your Competition

Your product will not be sold in a vacuum. In all likelihood, there are already others who provide similar solutions and have a more established brand in the market. To have a chance of getting your product noticed and chosen over the others, you need an effective process for learning more about what you’re up against and how to position your brand and product more successfully. 

Marketing research systems provide a variety of powerful tools for assessing your competition and evaluating how you could gain an advantage over what is already offered on the market. You can gain insights about the primary competitors you will have to outperform, the specific strategies that have the best chance of delivering results, and potential steps you can take before the launch to put your product in the best possible starting position.

Discover Insights Into Your Customers

Another reason why industry analysis software matters is its ability to provide you with a multitude of methods for collecting information about your ideal customers. The best method for discovering what your audience really wants is to talk to them, but that can be difficult and inefficient without a structured process.

Meanwhile, when you use software for marketing research, you can use a variety of tools for discovering what your customers really want and what are the most frustrating aspects of dealing with your competitors. Whether you’re running surveys, talking to customers directly, or collecting feedback, a market research software solution like Tivian can help you take control of every communication you have with people in your target market.

Assess Whether Your Product is Necessary

One of the biggest mistakes you could make is entering a market with a product that simply isn’t needed. You would end up investing a lot of money and resources into a product launch that doesn’t deliver any meaningful value, which would mean that it would be doomed to fail before ever having a chance to start attracting buyers.

Luckily, you can minimize the likelihood of this happening by performing thorough market research and identifying the key ways your product stands out and solves a unique problem in the market. Convincing people to switch to a new product is no easy feat, but using market research software can help you identify the most compelling arguments for why making that switch is worth it.

Discover New Trends

A big part of succeeding with marketing research is being able to make accurate predictions about the future. 

When you have an efficient and productive way to perform market research through software tools means you will have more relevant data to assess. This will provide you with the advantage of knowing what type of product will have the best chance of success.

Over time, a comprehensive market research solution can even allow you to find new and innovative ways to solve emerging problems for your audience. Those types of achievements can become the driving force that further enhances your company’s authority in its specific market.

Benefits of Using Software for Market Research

The right market research software solution is not just a handy tool that helps make the process of researching your market more accessible. Leading solutions like Tivian come with a range of powerful benefits that can put you in a position to succeed and completely reshape how you discover insights into your market.

Let’s look at a few powerful benefits you can expect when you implement Tivian market research into your processes below.

Understand Your Buyers

One of the key traits of most successful products is innovation. Companies must be willing to build on the initial success and adjust to the changing demands of their audience and the market. But at the same time, it’s crucial to have a firm grasp of who your ideal buyers are and what they want if you don’t want to inadvertently alienate them through changes in how your product looks, functions, or is presented.

Only by having a comprehensive market research solution can you keep your finger on the pulse of what your audience needs and wants, ensuring that any changes you make will only happen if your targeted buyers are behind it. By streamlining how you collect feedback and learn about your customer desires, you can have relevant answers to the direction you should take regarding your products at any given time.

Find New Ways to Market

Sometimes, the most powerful strategies for growth are not rooted in product innovation but in marketing your products more effectively. And a good market research software solution can help you discover new ways for presenting and promoting your product that could help you tap into new markets or appeal to broader segments of buyers.

Using market research, you can discover surprising perceptions about your brand and products and then craft targeted campaigns to change those perceptions for the better. For instance, if there are concerns about a weakness or functionality issue with one of your products, you could address the problem if it exists or highlight why the entire concern was not accurate through your marketing messages.

Solve Specific Problems

A big part of succeeding in your market is solving specific problems as soon as they arise. And with the help of market research software, you will have a wealth of information you can use to continually make in-depth insights about what to do when faced with specific challenges.

Whether it’s finding new ideas for product development, identifying ways to re-engage your customers, or even crafting an effective plan for competing against a new player in the market, leading solutions such as Tivian can provide you with the necessary answers through in-depth insights about virtually any challenge you could be facing.

Minimize Risk

Every decision you make in a competitive market will impact performance. And unfortunately, the broad range of factors that influence outcomes can often mean that knowing what to expect after a decision can be difficult.

However, that doesn’t mean you can’t tip the scales in your favor and gain at least some control over mitigating risks. When you have more data to work with and can contextualize it, leaders in your company will be much better equipped to make the right judgments and determine if a course of action warrants the risk that comes with it.

In the end, the accumulative effect of making the right choices in various situations can be the deciding factor in your company’s success. When you have a proven framework of relying on market data when making decisions, that will allow your leaders to be more confident and decisive at crucial turning points for the entire company.

Identify New Opportunities

No matter what market you may be operating in, there are always opportunities for growth through innovation or new product development. However, making these decisions requires you to have a finger on the pulse of the entire industry and have strong insights into the upcoming trends that will redefine the market.

Utilizing market research software can help you discover new segments of the market that are currently underserved and identify ways to satisfy the needs of these segments before the competition can become aware of the possibility.

Market Research Software Use Cases

In order to make the most of market research software solutions such as Tivian, it’s important to use it in multiple ways that benefit your business and help drive sales. Let’s look at a few use cases for market research solutions you could implement in your business.


1. Execute a Product Launch

Launching a new product in a competitive market is a big challenge. But a market research solution can help you take a more structured approach to discover insights about your competition, market gaps, target audience, and various other aspects that will help you execute a flawless product launch at the right time. 

2. Evaluate Product Market Fit

Another important use for market research software is to evaluate whether your product fits well in a particular market. Even if the product is good, finding the right market and the right audience is just as important. Insights from a comprehensive market research solution will help you accurately evaluate whether you have eager customers who want to use it.

3. Make Improvements on Your Current Products

After you launch a product, your job in analyzing the market is not done. In fact, if you want to ensure that the product is in a position to be successful long term, you must continually re-evaluate the market to discover ways you could improve and build upon your initial success.

Elevate Your Market Data Software

Tivian is one of the leaders in market research solutions and is trusted by many leading companies. Our solution is designed to be highly configurable and offer flexibility that can match any project, no matter its complexity and scope.


When you work with Tivian market research, you get an all-in-one market research solution that encompasses everything you need to go through an effective process. Running smarter surveys, engaging respondents, and going through market research projects faster are just a few of the key capabilities you can expect when you choose Tivian as your market research software solution.


Our robust reporting capabilities mean that you can also access the insights quickly, building an interactive and customizable dashboard designed to provide an easy-to-grasp visual experience for your team when analyzing market research data.



Tivian is designed to reduce the complexity of sophisticated market research techniques, providing you with a singular solution that will give you everything you could need to go into any new market with confidence.